Monday, July 18, 2011

Unlikely Photo Ops

We (all 5 of us) went to a wedding a couple weeks ago, and since we were together and all dressed up, I made an appointment for us to have family portraits done.  We left the house about 9:30 in the morning, and the appointment was for 4:30 in the afternoon.  If I'd thought more about it, I might have canceled...thinking SURELY there would be no way to get decent pictures after the girls were awake for soo long.  Fortunately, I didn't...and the results were AWESOME.  We had the best photographer, who got the girls to behave enough to get some really incredible pictures.  She took ones of each girl, the 2 girls together, the girls and Red, Red alone (and some of them looked like they belonged in GQ), HG and I, and all 5 of us.  I sent an email to family with a link to the proofs, asking them which ones they wanted...and my mother-in-law said there were too many great ones...she was having a hard time choosing just a few!  I'm sooo glad we did them...I'd been wanting family pictures for a long time...this was the first time Red was with us and we were all dressed up.  There was even some color coordination going on...both girls had the same color families on (though LK's dress was bright and Mini-me's was muted), Red had a monochrome thing going on with a lavender shirt and purple tie (lavender was an accent color in LK's dress), and HG wore a cream top with a purple plaid tie.  I, unfortunately, had to wear a turquoise dress, and that was the only one I could get into.  (I'd hoped to be in an abstract print dress that had purples in it, but I've not lost enough in my bust yet to be able to get that on.)  Good motivation to get back to my early morning workouts...I get up when HG does and do a workout while he's getting ready for work.  (Normally he gets up at 5:15, so usually by 6 I'm done and can get my shower in and have a little time before the girls get up.)  More to come on the workout, but I will say this...before I met HG, I'd lost 40 pounds and was down to like 14% body fat following this workout and their diet plan.  Cant as easily do the diet plan now with a family, but I can do the workout...and I cant wait to start seeing results.

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