Thursday, June 23, 2011

Minime's Spill

This is how I spent my night Tuesday night....7 stitches total, 2 inside the cut and 5 to close it up.  Thank the Gods that a neighbor watched LK so she didn't have to come to ER with us.  It took over 2 hours for a room to be available for us, and another hour to get the suturing done!  Am also thankful for our unlimited texting and data plans...the battery on my phone almost died from all the calling and texting HG and I were doing.  This picture was taken to show him what it looked like.  Minime was really good...she only screamed bloody murder twice (once during the shot of Novocaine and the other in the midst of stitching), only fought my holding her hands once (when she was getting the shot of Novocaine) and didn't fight the nurse holding her head. The whole time of the procedure I was singing to her to help calm her, and the doctor and nurse commented several times what a good girl she was.   As soon as they finished stitching her up, she was all, "Lets go Mom"...and since then has only complained of pain from her boo boo twice.  The first time I gave her some ibuprofen, but the second time she wanted nothing to do with it!

The moral of this story...don't let your kids stand on the toilet seat with socks on!  (I was getting the floss ready to floss her teeth when she fell and hit her chin on I'm guessing the toilet paper holder.)

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Here We Go Again.....

My HG is away on business this week...his plane took off about a half hour ago.  Sooo...he left the house about 2 1/2 hours ago (the airport is relatively small and you dont need to get there as early), and ALREADY the girls are both on my last nerve. (My hat is off to all you single are Wonder Parents as far as I'm concerned.)  First they want snacks, and Little Kitty wants exactly what Mini-me is having (which is leftover from her Fathers Day breakfast that LK wasn't here for, but at an aunt's house.)  I make something similar, and pacify her, then Mini-me decides she doesn't want that, but Cheerios, accompanied by high pitched crying and whining.  Then, when we're getting ready to go out in the backyard, and Mini-me wants to wear a bathing suit NOW and not wait until after nap, when I'll have water in their little pool that has been warmed by the sun for a couple hours (just filled it, and its gonna be a b*tch to try to dump later, and I purposely only filled it half full).

After I deal with that for like 10 minutes, LK starts in with her demanding that I play baseball with her, and doesn't stop until I have to tell her that I suck monkey balls at pitching and wouldn't be able to get the ball to her for more times I throw it than not.  She starts in again, though not as strongly, even after we've come outside and Ive had to, 1. put away the  snowshoes HG had cleaned yesterday to put away, but never did, and 2. run out front to find Mini-me over by the rose bed on the far side of the house.  So I have to debase myself again....then I let her play with it by herself on the porch, knowing full well that it wont take long for her to hit said ball into the bushes.  (It takes maybe 3 minutes)  Then I tell her I'm not going hunting for it.  Then whining starts..."But WHYYYYY??  When will you???"    "I'm not, youll have to wait"  "For how loonnngg??"  Then its all "Can we have a picnic for lunch and dinner?"  "No"  "Whhhyyyy?"  Mini-me interrupts (thankfully) with "Potty, mohom" (in the motorhome)...I counter with lets go inside..."NO!  MOHOM!!!!"  I start to walk towards her, and she says "No I walk" (she knows when I say we're doing something, if they dont do it, I carry them to do it).  Then we get inside and she starts playing..I say didnt you  have to  go potty, and her response, as she walks to the door and opens it, "No potty."  Then I get a whiff....shes already gone in her I have to carry her screaming "No potty" over and over to her room to change her.

When thats done I look at the clock...thank the Gods, its time to make lunch.  I tell the girls I'll get them when its ready.  So fine, they come in the second time when I call them.  I'd decided to make them heart shaped sandwiches, and though they dont say anything, they eat no problem....except that LK likes to be a clown and Mini-me apes everything she does.  LK KNOWS this, but does it make any difference at all?  Nope.

And thats just the first morning...we still have the rest of today, and 4 more before HG gets  will again be my friend.  Bedtimes are a whole different set of issues.  Thankfully, on one of those days they will be in daycare, and Mom will be down another.

Friday, June 10, 2011

The Hazards of Children in the Garden

So after the girls went down for their naps, first I froze in the basement (my Hunky Geek likes to keep it down to tundra there at his home office space) to read my groups and facebook, then to warm up I went outside to check on my herb garden.  I'd wanted to wait to see if we needed to put a dripline in, both because we have never needed to before, and I have to decide what else to put in to fill in where I gave some of the herbs to a new neighbor.  What I saw made me cringe....basil about 75% yellow, cilantro and dill about 10% yellow...the rest looked to be okay.  So...I go over to the hose reel to get the hose so I could water them.  Pulled...and barely a budge.  Pulled harder...this time a few inches.  Kept trying, and not getting much.  Finally I lifted the iid...and I saw the problem.  Yesterday I'd seen our 2 terrors playing with the water faucet and around the hose reel, but didnt think to look at what they'd done.  What theyd managed to do was to pull parts of the hose reel out, and off the reel in the housing, making it incredibly difficult to turn.  After about 10 minutes I managed to get most of it straightened out, pulled the hose out and watered the plants.  Unfortunately, when I tried to reel the hose back in, it was still not laying flat, so it looks like that will be a job for HG when he gets home.

Now that Ive decompressed some, do I dare to try harvesting some lettuce, or checking out the roses?  Since its past time for the girls to be up from their naps, I dare not...not until they're up too.  Little Kitty (Kitty was her birth mother's nickname, and she looks spitting image how her mother did) would get up fine on her own, but until we get Mini-me (our 2 year old who looks spitting image of me at her age) out her crib and into a bed...she could be either screaming her head off and I wouldn't know it, or she could try to climb out on her own (shes gotten a leg over on several occasions) and get hurt.  And before I get all kinds of crap from people about why dont I get her out of that crib like last week.... 2 reasons.  First, until HG's last paycheck, money's been pretty tight.  Second, there's not been enough time to get everything else AND that done too.  Plus...have you tried to take 2 rambunctious children solo furniture shopping??  I dont relish that thought....I'll wait until my next day that both are in daycare to go checking things out.  (It'll be this next Tuesday.)