Sunday, June 19, 2011

Here We Go Again.....

My HG is away on business this week...his plane took off about a half hour ago.  Sooo...he left the house about 2 1/2 hours ago (the airport is relatively small and you dont need to get there as early), and ALREADY the girls are both on my last nerve. (My hat is off to all you single are Wonder Parents as far as I'm concerned.)  First they want snacks, and Little Kitty wants exactly what Mini-me is having (which is leftover from her Fathers Day breakfast that LK wasn't here for, but at an aunt's house.)  I make something similar, and pacify her, then Mini-me decides she doesn't want that, but Cheerios, accompanied by high pitched crying and whining.  Then, when we're getting ready to go out in the backyard, and Mini-me wants to wear a bathing suit NOW and not wait until after nap, when I'll have water in their little pool that has been warmed by the sun for a couple hours (just filled it, and its gonna be a b*tch to try to dump later, and I purposely only filled it half full).

After I deal with that for like 10 minutes, LK starts in with her demanding that I play baseball with her, and doesn't stop until I have to tell her that I suck monkey balls at pitching and wouldn't be able to get the ball to her for more times I throw it than not.  She starts in again, though not as strongly, even after we've come outside and Ive had to, 1. put away the  snowshoes HG had cleaned yesterday to put away, but never did, and 2. run out front to find Mini-me over by the rose bed on the far side of the house.  So I have to debase myself again....then I let her play with it by herself on the porch, knowing full well that it wont take long for her to hit said ball into the bushes.  (It takes maybe 3 minutes)  Then I tell her I'm not going hunting for it.  Then whining starts..."But WHYYYYY??  When will you???"    "I'm not, youll have to wait"  "For how loonnngg??"  Then its all "Can we have a picnic for lunch and dinner?"  "No"  "Whhhyyyy?"  Mini-me interrupts (thankfully) with "Potty, mohom" (in the motorhome)...I counter with lets go inside..."NO!  MOHOM!!!!"  I start to walk towards her, and she says "No I walk" (she knows when I say we're doing something, if they dont do it, I carry them to do it).  Then we get inside and she starts playing..I say didnt you  have to  go potty, and her response, as she walks to the door and opens it, "No potty."  Then I get a whiff....shes already gone in her I have to carry her screaming "No potty" over and over to her room to change her.

When thats done I look at the clock...thank the Gods, its time to make lunch.  I tell the girls I'll get them when its ready.  So fine, they come in the second time when I call them.  I'd decided to make them heart shaped sandwiches, and though they dont say anything, they eat no problem....except that LK likes to be a clown and Mini-me apes everything she does.  LK KNOWS this, but does it make any difference at all?  Nope.

And thats just the first morning...we still have the rest of today, and 4 more before HG gets  will again be my friend.  Bedtimes are a whole different set of issues.  Thankfully, on one of those days they will be in daycare, and Mom will be down another.

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